17 research outputs found

    Profil orang tua ideal dalam pembentukan karakter anak perspektif mahasiswa PAI angkatan 2011 UIN Walisongo Semarang

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang orang tua ideal dalam pembentukan karakter anak. Kajiannya dilatar belakangi karena karakter anak pada masa sekarang mengalami kemerosotan. Tugas membenahi karakter tersebut seharusnya tidak hanya dibebankan oleh guru tapi juga dibebankan kepada orang tua yang juga memiliki tugas sebagai pendidik. Studi ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab 1 permasalahan yaitu: Bagaimanakah profil orang tua ideal dalam pembentukan karakter anak perspektif mahasiswa PAI angkatan 2011 UIN Walisongo Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana sosok orang tua yang ideal dalam pembentukan karakter anak perspektif mahasiswa PAI angkatan 2011 UIN Walisongo Semarang. Permasalahan tersebut dibahas dengan menggunakan pendekatan survei dan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif . Dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan metode berupa angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dari angket diolah dengan mencari nilai standar skala lima kemudian dicek dengan hasil dari wawancara. Hasil dari angket diperoleh nilai rata-rata adalah 86, 87 dari nilai maksimal 100 dan nilai minimal 71,8 berada pada rentang nilai 85,69 – 88,04 yang tergolong dalam kriteria cukup ideal. Kemudian dicek dengan hasil wawancara dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa profil orang tua ideal dalam pembentukan karakter anak perspektif mahasiswa PAI angkatan 2011 UIN Walisongo Semarang adalah orang tua yang menjadi teladan bagi anak-anaknya, mencintai dan menyayangi anaknya, menanamkan nilai-nilai keagamaan dan akhlak karimah, membiasakan hal-hal yang baik sejak dini, senantiasa memberi nasehat dan motivasi, adil dalam pemberian, menghukum dengan bijak ketika anak melakukan kesalahan, dan menerapkan dengan melihat kondisi anak agar lebih kondusif serta mudah diterima oleh anak. Dengan kata lain bahwa orang tua ideal dalam pembentukan karakter anak adalah orang tua yang mampu mendidik anak dengan cara-cara yang baik dan menggunakan pola asuh yang tepat

    Penerapan Fuzzy Tsukamoto pada Alat Deteksi Penyakit Hipoksemia, Hipotermia, Hipertensi, dan Diabetes untuk Health Care Kiosk

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    Most of people in Indonesia need fast, right, and accurate health medical service. But as we know in hospital takes many time just for check our health condition. This research make a Health Care Kiosk for medical check up, without using a doctor, so that kiosk can detect many deseases automatically. This research focused on 4 deseases such as hypothermia, hypoxemia, hypertension and diabetes. System using Embedded PC for data processing automatically. There are many medical sensor such as thermometer, heart rate sensor, blood pressure sensor, SPO2 sensor, and glucometer sensor for check health condition. System can make a decision if that patient healthy or not automatically because it uses fuzzy method for that decision. The result of this paper is this system can detect every deseases and that error for each sensor are body temperature has 1.05% error, oxygen level has 1.90% error, heart rate has 5.78% error, blood pressure sistolic has 4.16% error, blood pressure diastolic has 4.87% error and glucosa level in blood has 4.01% error. This system integrated with database MySQL for save that result. The accuracy from fuzzy method is 100% right and fuzzy tsukamoto can process input well.Most of people in Indonesia need fast, right, and accurate health medical service. But as we know in hospital takes many time just for check our health condition. This research make a Health Care Kiosk for medical check up, without using a doctor, so that kiosk can detect many deseases automatically. This research focused on 4 deseases such as hypothermia, hypoxemia, hypertension and diabetes. System using Embedded PC for data processing automatically. There are many medical sensor such as thermometer, heart rate sensor, blood pressure sensor, SPO2 sensor, and glucometer sensor for check health condition. System can make a decision if that patient healthy or not automatically because it uses fuzzy method for that decision. The result of this paper is this system can detect every deseases and that error for each sensor are body temperature has 1.05% error, oxygen level has 1.90% error, heart rate has 5.78% error, blood pressure sistolic has 4.16% error, blood pressure diastolic has 4.87% error and glucosa level in blood has 4.01% error. This system integrated with database MySQL for save that result. The accuracy from fuzzy method is 100% right and fuzzy tsukamoto can process input well

    Aktualisasi tindakan kebiri kimia bagi pelaku kriminal pedofilia: antara fiqh jinayat dan HAM

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    Violence is a criminal act that threatens humanity and injures vital human rights. Moreover, the child is the main target. This kind of violence needs to be followed up as well as possible so that the same violence does not occur. Therefore, this paper is intended to contribute to the construction of thought from the point of view of fiqh jinayat and human rights. This study uses a normative qualitative method with a fiqh jinayat approach and human rights as a research perspective. The results of this study include: a) chemical castration in fiqh jinayat is classified as a sanction that is not based on syarak rules. This is because castration itself is not strictly legalized by the Shari'a. Therefore, chemical castration cannot be applied, so that it can be applied to the realm of adultery which results in whipping or stoning, homosexuality which results in death, or the trial which consequents punishment; b) chemical castration is very contrary to human rights, both based on the constitutional version of humanity and Islam. This injures human rights, because chemical castration does not actually have a positive effect on the perpetrator, but has a negative effect with quite fatal consequences. Therefore, IDI is reluctant to be the executor of this action, because it violates the medical code of ethics

    Aktualisasi tindakan kebiri kimia bagi pelaku kriminal pedofilia: antara fiqh jinayat dan HAM

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    Violence is a criminal act that threatens humanity and injures vital human rights. Moreover, the child is the main target. This kind of violence needs to be followed up as well as possible so that the same violence does not occur. Therefore, this paper is intended to contribute to the construction of thought from the point of view of fiqh jinayat and human rights. This study uses a normative qualitative method with a fiqh jinayat approach and human rights as a research perspective. The results of this study include: a) chemical castration in fiqh jinayat is classified as a sanction that is not based on syarak rules. This is because castration itself is not strictly legalized by the Shari'a. Therefore, chemical castration cannot be applied, so that it can be applied to the realm of adultery which results in whipping or stoning, homosexuality which results in death, or the trial which consequents punishment; b) chemical castration is very contrary to human rights, both based on the constitutional version of humanity and Islam. This injures human rights, because chemical castration does not actually have a positive effect on the perpetrator, but has a negative effect with quite fatal consequences. Therefore, IDI is reluctant to be the executor of this action, because it violates the medical code of ethics

    Manajemen kepemimpinan dalam perspektif Tafsir Al-Manar

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    Kepemimpinan merupakan aspek yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa manusia diciptakan sebagai makhluk sosial, artinya dalam menjalani kehidupannya di muka bumi ini, manusia tidak bisa berjalan secara perindividu. Oleh karena itu, manusia sebagai makhluk yang saling membutuhkan satu sama lainnya perlu memiliki seorang pemimpin untuk bisa mengarahkan dan menyelaraskan tujuan-tujuan yang ingin dicapai oleh setiap individu. Kepemimpinan dalam Al-Qur’an sendiri dijelaskan dengan berbagai Istilah dan redaksi yang berbeda-beda, salah satunya dalam satu redaksi di istilahkan dengan ulul amri sedangkan di redaksi lain dijelaskan dengan khalifah. Peneliti dalam penelitian ini akan mengkaji dua kata kunci tersebut menurut perpektif Tafsir Al-Manar. Dengan hasil, kata khalifah dalam QS Al-Baqarah ayat 30 menjelaskan bahwa manusia di dunia ini memiliki tugas sebagai khalifatullah di muka bumi, oleh karena itu ada dua tugas yang harus dijalankan manusia, pertama bertugas untuk bisa memakmurkan bumi melalui potensi-potensi yang sudah Allah berikan kepada manusia seperti halnya akal dan pikiran, kedua, bertugas untuk selalu melaksanakan perintah Allah dan menjauhi larangannya. Sedangkan kata ulul amri dalam QS An-Nisa’ ayat 59 mengisyaratkan kepada pemimpin untuk mengedepankan sikap kepemimpinan yang demokratis dalam artian selalu membangun kerjasama tim dan musyawaroh dalam memutuskan dan menentukan suatu perkara, Kemudian apabila memang terdapat perbedaan pandangan atau pendapat maka pemimpin dan semua anggotanya harus mengembalikan kepada kebenaran Al-Qur’an, Hadist dan hasil ijma’ resmi. Penafsiran Rasyid Rida tentang ulil amri kepada ahlul halli wal aqdi mengindikasikan bahwa pemimpin harus benar-benar diangkat dari orang yang memang memiliki kompetensi dan mengerti akan kemaslahatan bersama

    Implementasi tanggung jawab negara terhadap pelanggaran HAM berat paniai perspektif teori efektivitas hukum Soerjono Soekanto

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    In Indonesia, cases of human rights violations have occurred since the reign of the Old Order, the New Order, and even the current reform era. In the case of human rights violations in Indonesia, there are several cases of gross human rights violations that have not been resolved until now. Here, one of the cases of gross human rights violations that has not been resolved until now and the author wants to raise is the case of Paniai Papua's human rights. The focus of this paper is related to the implementation of the state in the responsibility of protecting, respecting, and fulfilling human rights in the case of Paniai human rights violations from the perspective of the theory of legal effectiveness. The research method used in this study is a juridical-normative approach, which examines the law from the historical and formal legal aspects. This study uses library data, while the data source is secondary data, namely data obtained through library materials by collecting from various reading sources related to the problem being studied. The research in this paper is a qualitative descriptive analysis. The result of this paper is the state as the holder of the highest sovereignty in implementing the responsibility for respecting, protecting, fulfilling human rights by establishing laws and regulations related to human rights and the Human Rights Court or the Human Rights Court. The implementation of the state's responsibility in respecting, protecting, and fulfilling cases of gross human rights violations in Paniai with the existence of laws and regulations on human rights and the human rights court so far has not been said to be effective because the case has not been resolved until now by looking at the factors that can be used as a measure. the effectiveness or not of such a law

    3D Modelling of Geoelectrical Resistivity Data to Determine the Direction of Landslides in Kastoba Lake, Bawean Island, Indonesia

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    Landslides are one of the factors caused by subsurface structures that are not compact, and have low density or resistivity values due to changes in groundwater. Rainwater that infiltrates into the ground will reach to an impermeable layer which is identified as a slip plane. This research was conducted in the Kastoba Lake area, Bawean Island, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the slip plane and the direction of the landslide in the studied area. Data acquisition was carried out based on a preliminary study of residual anomaly contour analysis from gravity data, then geoelectric data acquisition was carried out in the studied area. The results of lithological analysis on 3D geoelectric resistivity modeling in this study obtained three layers of subsurface structures, namely topsoil, clay, and lavas. The slip plane of the study area is above the clay layer (7.25 meters depth). The results of the 3D interpretation indicated that the direction of the landslide was towards the north, as evidenced by the existence of public information that the area studied had landslides with the avalanche direction towards the north.  For further analysis, a factor of safety analysis is needed based on the analysis of the bore hole drilling method in the studied are

    Pendidikan Karakter dalam Upaya Mencegah Perilaku Bullying pada Anak-Anak di Dusun Limpana Desa Rantau Bujur

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    Bullying dapat menyebabkan korban menjadi gangguan psikologis seperti depresi, bahkan dapat menyebabkan korban hingga bunuh diri. Maraknya kasus bullying di Dusun Limpana, Desa Rantau Bujur, Kecamatan Bungur, Kabupaten tapin cukup tinggi. Kasus bullying di Dusun Limpana biasanya terjadi antar teman sebaya yang berumur 5-12 tahun. Faktor utama yang terjadi dengan anakanak melakukan bullying yaitu kurangnya perhatian dari orang tua. Sehingga itu akan berdampak pada kondisi psikologis anak dan juga tak heran mereka mengalami kesepian dan lebih memilih menghabiskan waktu bermainnya diluar rumah. Dengan adanya pendampingan dan sosialisasi tersebut anak-anak bisa memahami apa itu bullying dan dampaknya bagi kesehatan mental sehingga dapat terbentuknya pola pikir dan tingkah laku yang baik dari pendidikan karakter. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode partisipatory action research (PAR) yang dilaksanakan secara partisipatif pada perilaku bullying di dusun Limpana, Desa Rantau Bujur, Kecamatan Bungur, Kabupaten Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan. Informasi atau data yang diperoleh bersumber dari observasi lapangan, dan wawancara. Proses pendampingan yang dilakukan selama 30 hari oleh Mahasiswa KKN UIN Antasari, berupa pembelajaran dan pemberian kata-kata motivasi saat kegiatan belajar mengajar di Sekolah Dasar, di TPA, dan ketika mereka berada di posko KKN. Anak-anak di Dusun Limpana termotivasi untuk tidak lagi menyakiti temannya secara berlebihan

    3D modelling of geoelictrical resistivity data to ditermine direction of landslides in Kastoba Lake, Bawean Island, Indonesia

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    Landslides are one of the factors caused by subsurface structures that are not compact, and have low density or resistivity values due to changes in groundwater. Rainwater that infiltrates into the ground will reach to an impermeable layer which is identified as a slip plane. This research was conducted in the Kastoba Lake area, Bawean Island, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to determine the slip plane and the direction of the landslide in the studied area. Data acquisition was carried out based on a preliminary study of residual anomaly contour analysis from gravity data, then geoelectric data acquisition was carried out in the studied area. The results of lithological analysis on 3D geoelectric resistivity modeling in this study obtained three layers of subsurface structures, namely topsoil, clay, and lavas. The slip plane of the study area is above the clay layer (7.25 meters depth). The results of the 3D interpretation indicated that the direction of the landslide was towards the north, as evidenced by the existence of public information that the area studied had landslides with the avalanche direction towards the north. For further analysis, a factor of safety analysis is needed based on the analysis of the bore hole drilling method in the studied area